UOI Accident Protection Insurance
Statement Pursuant to Section 25(5) of the Insurance Act, you are to disclose in this form, fully and faithfully, all the facts that you know or ought to know, otherwise this Policy issued hereunder may be void.
Your Particulars
Mailing Address*
About the Applicant
Information on the Insurance to be taken up
Effective Date of cover
Type of Plan*
I further acknowledge by providing personal data relating to a third party (eg. Information of my dependent, spouse, children, parents and/or employees), I represent and warrant that the consent of that third party has been obtained for the collection, use and disclosure of the personal data for the Purposes stated in UOIýýýs Privacy Notice. I am aware that UOI may disclose personal data collected to its third party service providers or agents (including lawyers/ law firms), which may be sited outside of Singapore, for one or more of the above Purposes, as such third party service providers or agents, if engaged by UOI, would be processing the personal data for UOI for one or more of the above Purposes. This may include disclosure to industry association.
*Mandatory information
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